Friday, March 18, 2011

Sometimes I Just Never Learn

Over 100 years ago, John Ruskin said,
"It's unwise to pay too much but it's unwise to pay too little.
When you pay too much you lose a little money, that is all.
When you pay too little, you sometimes lose everything,
because the thing you bought was incapable
of doing the thing you bought it to do.
The common law of business balance prohibits
paying a little and getting a lot.
It can't be done.
If you deal with the lowest bidder,
it's well to add something for the risk you run.
And if you do that,
you will have enough to pay for something better!"
and also.......

"There is scarcely anything in the world that some man cannot make a little worse, and sell a little more cheaply. The person who buys on price alone is this man's lawful prey."

I have to remind myself of that time and time again. Yes, we all want to save money and not pay too much. But how often do we get sucked in by the, "It's almost as good as ??????, just cheaper"?
Year ago when I bought my first 35mm camera. A good pro quality Canon at that time cost $600. However they had a much cheaper consumer version for just $200. So I bought that one. I was disappointed. Didn't do what I'd hoped. I ended up buying the $600 camera, which was still working great the last time I used it! It did the job!
Well, I did it again. Last month, I was needing another digital camera. Mine were getting several "miles" on them, and I just felt I needed to update to some newer equipment. With George Bush to photograph next month at CofO, I definitely wanted to make sure I had top-notch, reliable equipment.
After reading reviews, I thought I was onto something. A new top-level prosumer (the word they use combining "pro" and "consumer") camera was on the market. Half the price of the regular pro camera, and capable of doing pro work. The newest technology. So I thought I'd try it. Besides, I could buy 2 of them for the price of the pro camera, and still have money left over.
Well, it was an ok camera, made pretty files. But just not a pro level camera. Focus was a little inconsistent, something I don't tolerate very well. So I broke down and bought a true, pro-level camera, the Nikon D700. After a half day of shooting, I can already tell I'm going to love this new camera! 

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