Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Wall Portrait Promotion

In looking around the studio, I realize we keep our samples up way too long. So we decided to start a new promotion. Let us display your wall portrait (size 16x20 or larger) in the studio for 3 months, and we'll give you 1/2 off that print! This way our gallery stays up to date and you get a GREAT savings on your portrait!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

A New Look....The "Backroads Collection"

This is a little different look we're now offering, our "Backroads Collection". I load up the car with props and equipment. You and a friend (be sure and bring someone along an assistant), follow me as we drive the area backroads, to scout out different settings.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

How To Order From Our Online Events

How To View:
To view events posted online, go to:
You don't need a Session Name/ID" for events.
A couple inches below the "Email Address" and "Session Name/ID" box, you'll see the list of current online events. Click the event name. You will then be asked to enter your email address. Now you'll be to the thumbnail photos.

Note: Events are posted online for 4 to 6 weeks. The special prices listed are good while photos are online. Once the photos are off line, you may still order, but at regular event prices. Photo ordered online will be ready in about 1 week.

At the top left of the thumbnail page, you'll see four words:
Browse....brings you back to the thumbnail page.
Favorites.....Brings up your list of favorite images. When viewing individual photos, click the "Heart" icon to add the image to your favorites.
Share....Email your friends to tell them about the gallery of photos.
Cart.....If you've ordered photos, they will be listed here.

How To Order:
In the upper right corner, you'll see the word "Help". It explains the order process or read below for more details.
Click on an individual photo. Above the photo you'll see a group of icons.
Back arrow....takes you to previous photo.
Heart.....adds the photo to your list of favorites.
Shopping cart.....brings up the order form/price list. Fill this out to place your order.
Magnifying on this to zoom in closer for a better view.
Word balloon.....use this to leave a comment for others to view.
Forward arrow....takes you to next photo.

Your order can be shipped, or save shipping by picking up at one of our studio locations. 

If you still have a problem, call the studio at: 870-749-2588. After hours, call Larry's personal cell at: 870-480-2226.